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Prabhat kumar is an owner of Indian leading hindi publishing house Prabhat Prakashan. It was co-founded in 1958 by Shyam Sunder. They publish books in English and Hindi languages. They are the first Indian publisher to bring out Hindi translations of Russian classics including the works of authors like Chekhov, Tolstoy and Gorky.

Prabhat Kumar

Publishing Industry and its Future

Since the beginning of the book todate it had a great deal ofdifference. Reading habit of peopleseems to be reducing. Industry losingthe audiences because the interest ofpeople is speedily changing. Peopleare not reserving time for reading. It’stime children must develop the habitof reading since childhood as readingis learning and it’s a lifelong process.Hindi Publishing is in more trouble ascompared to Marathi or Bangla whichhas a cluster of big authors. We allmust respect the author and books.Authors are writing to be selfish andnot for people that’s why it may bethe reason for the slowness inindustry.