‘Indian Agatha Christie’, Manjiri Prabhu is an award-winning international Author of 19 mystery and thriller novels, a Short-Film-Maker and the Curator & Founder/Director of two international festivals - Pune International Literary Festival and International Festival of Spiritual India (for Humanity & Wisdom) Acknowledged as a pioneer in India among women writers of mystery fiction, she is the first female mystery Author to be published outside India.

Publisher Support
Manjiri Prabhu

Destination Thrillers: Dawn of a new Genre - Manjiri Prabhu In Conversation with Dipankar Mukherjee

On 20th Nov 03.00 PM TO 03:40 PM

Ms. Manjiri Prabhu - was asked what destination Thrillers were, to which she answered that she was destinations as Characters. Mr. Dipankar Mukherjee - Said complimented by saying that her destination thrillers make you want to visit the place. Also, she spoke elaborately about the creation of her characters, place & destiny plots. Her books have earth-shattering thrillers & mysteries.


Understanding Terrorism - Plan for the worst hope for the best? Fact and Fiction - AIR VICE MARSHAL SURYAKANT CHINTAMAN CHAFEKAR(RETIRED) Lt. Col Ankita Shrivastav Manjiri Prabhu Flt Lt Shiwalee Deshpande (Retd) In Conversation with Shabbir Shakir

On 20th Nov 05.00 PM TO 05:40 PM