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Lakshmi Iyer is a banking professional in her day job. She slaves over her writing at night when her children are in bed. An MBA graduate from LeBow College of Business and an alumna of the Yale Writer’s Workshop, she writes creative non-fiction primarily, on her personal website She hopes to publish a memoir of her adoption journey someday. When Lakshmi is not working or writing, she enjoys cooking and watching random food videos on YouTube. She lives with her husband and her three daughters (two adopted and one biological) near Philadelphia, in the US.

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Why Is My Hair Curly ? Session For Students 8 - 12 years of age

On 28th Nov 11.00 a.m. - 11.40 a.m.

Why is my hair curly is a book written by Lakshmi Iyer for kids of age 8-12. This book is a story of her own curly and unruly hair which used to torment her in her childhood. In fact she was bullied by other kids due to her extremely curly hair. The book is a story of avantika who is an average girl from South India and has extremely curly hair. It took years for Lakshmi to get to terms with her curly hair. In her forties she realized that it didn’t matter and accepted her hair for the way that it was.

We know that having such odd features like here it is extremely curly and unruly hair is very painful especially during childhood. Other children do not understand the damage that they are causing to the teased person’s psyche. It is up to us to come to terms with these odd features and accept them for what they are.