Captain Beetashok Chatterjee was a merchant ship's captain by profession. He joined the
Merchant Navy at a young age and loved it, retiring only after having completed more than 45
years at sea.
His first collection of short stories ‘Driftwood—stories washed ashore’ (2019) surprised him
with the favorable response it got and he decided that this is what he wanted to do for the
rest of his life—write. His second volume of short stories came out in 2023, called ‘The
People Tree—stories about us and them’, that have nothing to do with the sea. His poems were
published in a 2023 anthology ‘Monochrome Verses’. ‘Mayday!’, his first venture into
nonfiction, was released also in 2023 and was #1 on the Amazon Bestseller list in its genre
for two months.
This old sea dog lives in New Delhi, India, with his memories and a wife, son and daughter.
His hobbies include listening to Western music, reading fiction and watching cricket. He
also loves good Hollywood and Bollywood movies. And chilled beer.