Author Avinuo Kire took a session at the Orange City Literature Festival 2021 on Emerging Naga Writers as New Memory Keepers. Her topic of discussion was based on her the traditional way of Oral Narration of Stories in Nagaland. She is a dedicated writer who wishes to document the sweet essence of storytelling in her books. To preserve Nagaland's Cultural History in the form of stories and fictional characters. She talked about how it's an important lesson for her that before she could write memory, she had to learn the art of listening; just as reading and writing sustain each other, so does listening and telling. The consistent theme observed in Ms Kire's stories is the History and modern Naga history of turmoil, politics and unrest due to Indo-Asian conflict. She hosted a beautiful session and quoted- Stories choose us; they're bigger than the writer. She shared her thoughts on how writing memory of the beautiful Naga History/ Memory helps link the oral script and effectively continues the legacy of telling and listening. She conducted a marvellous session at OCLF 2021 and left everybody curious to know more about Nagaland's stories, traditions, and culture.