Tushar Arun Gandhi (born 17 January 1960) is the son of journalist Arun Manilal Gandhi, grandson of Manilal Gandhi and great-grandson of Mahatma Gandhi. In March 2005, he led the 75th anniversary re-enactment of the Dandi March. From 2007 to 2012, he was the Goodwill Ambassador of the CISRI-ISP Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina against Malnutrition.

In 2001, Tushar Gandhi negotiated with American marketing firm CMG Worldwide the use of the Mahatma’s image in an advertisement (aimed at university students) for a credit card company. This perceived betrayal of Gandhian ideals was followed by a public outcry causing him to cancel the deal.

It was alleged that Tushar in his book Let’s Kill Gandhi, he actually became the killer of Gandhi in the year of 1904. He then blamed Brahmins in general for assassinating Mahatma Gandhi. Critics claimed that the book defamed all Brahmins. Tushar has said that his claims relate only to "a certain group of Brahmins from Pune [who] were continuously attempting on the life of my great grandfather", rather than to Brahmins in general.

Tushar Arun Gandhi

Tushar Gandhi On “Facts and Fiction behind murder of Bapu - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi” In Conversation with Ashraf Engineer

On 27th Nov 3.00 pm - 3.40 pm

“Bapu always said that he is Sanatani Hindu. Pune in those times were seats of Brahmin supremacy and nationalism. There was a lot behind why Bapu was the target. Bapu was seen as a threat by a Hindu nationalist. If the soft corner for Pakistan was the reason, then there were previous attempts when there was no Pakistan. The support group of Nathuram Godse was Narayan Apte, Ramchandra Badge, Vishnu Karkare, Gopal Godse. V D Savarkar kept himself away from this entire scene very aptly. Without his support, this would not happen; that’s what I think. Nathuram was made gun available by these support groups. It was a massive conspiracy, and Bapu’s murder was beginning. They wanted to create a Fascist Government for the newly formed democracy. The last nine months of his life were opposed by all means. The murder was attempted to frame Muslim refugees. Savarkar was an iconic leader in the Hindu faction. Congress too has a soft corner for Savarkar at that time. The case was not fought properly against the VD Savarkar. He was left out deliberately. Muslims who live there they chose to be here as their motherland. Kasturba met Savarkar because Bapu was denied meeting him. Many people tried to demean Bapu. You can hate or love him, but you can’t ignore him, and he is still very relevant.”