Try to picture yourself as being a stranger in an unfamiliar city, in a busy market, where you hear only the sounds you’ve never heard before. In a street stand, you see a man become poetic and passional as he introduces his products in a language you cannot comprehend. You imagine that even though you cannot understand a word he is saying, you can feel the passion and determination in his words. This experience reminds one of how language does not only influence how we interact with each other but also the way we interpret reality.

Language is not just a tool of communication; it determines how a person perceives, thinks, and even feels. Supantha Bhattacharya, a very famous author, shared a splendid insight at the 5th Edition of Orange City Literature Fest (OCLF) on “The Evolving Landscape of Language: Influence on Communication and Culture in Contemporary Times,” which outlines how language can shape people’s perceptions of reality. Similar discussions are often seen at other major events like the Jaipur Literature Festival and the Mathrubhumi Literary Festival, where the influence of language on thought and culture is a recurring theme.

 The Philosophy of Language

Language and Perception

Languages are another major feature where intellect is used to exhibit and interchange a lot of ideas and thinking. Languages spoken in the global society are more than 7000 and language serves as a means of understanding reality. “I detected the same idea during the session at OCLF Nagpur to enhance communication and understandability” Supantha Bhattacharya pointed out that different languages including Marathi, Hindi and Gujarati turn out to be much more effective and valuable which strengthens the role of languages’ diversification.

Direction and Language: The Kuuk Thaayorre People

The Kuuk Thaayorre people have a complex system of reckoning their positions in space in which they do not use terms like ‘left’ and right’, but rather describe their position depending on the cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west. Such attempts to understand the link between language and thought are always celebrated during literary festivals in India.

Cultural Influence on Thought Processes

The relations between them are clear enough in the different communities of the world from the point of view of language, culture, and partly mental abilities. The Philosophy of Language asserts that different languages and different cultural expectations that must lead to different mental processes and, therefore, there can be no universal meaning on the globe. Furthermore, with such exceptional traits as the ability to navigate in addition, the part of language in erecting the framework of people’s views is underlined. Discussions of this sort often come up during such festivals as the Kerala Literature Festival, for instance.

Colour, Gender, and Language

The existence and differences of colour perception and the way colour terms are incorporated into languages, the differentiation of gender to specific nouns can contribute much to perception and mental processing. The effects of language structures that are seemingly irrelevant can affect colour notion and gender segregation as described by Bhattacharya regarding how linguistic factors influence the mental and perceptual processes.

Language, Reasoning, and Blame

Describing the facts or events, as well as assigning responsibility or guilt, may differ depending on the chosen words. The interconnection between intention and actor, which is in the English and Spanish languages serves to illustrate the fact that in our thinking and decision-making linguistic constructs which form part of the language we use have formed part of the highly significant role in thinking processing.

Shaping Our Minds through Language

This subject offers such a beautiful image of how language lays the groundwork for everything that exists in our heads, including how we organize space and time, numbers, colour, and even morality. The given geographical and cultural diversities of the world are expressed in the fact that, at the moment, a huge number of languages are used by people to communicate, which indicates that the human mind has an unlimited ability to develop language tools for thinking and the formation of thought.

Co-Creating the Future Through Words

Language was found to be key in maintaining or influencing the co-shaping of the future. By adjusting our choice of words from formal to motivational, we can see a transformation in attitude and perspective. Moving from ‘no war’ to ‘peace’ for instance helps to advance the thinking process thus helping to have positive effects on the creation of a peaceful society. Such ideas are often discussed at literary events and literary weeks.

The Role of Thoughts in Reality

As a result, it can be said that our thoughts are very powerful and act as co-creators of our reality. As hard as we try to consciously shut down the mind, our SUBCONSCIOUS remains working. The idea of promoting the alternative and better option means gaining people’s focus and therefore shifting people’s perceptions and changing reality.

Influence of Words on Behavior

The behaviour is directly impacted by words. There are various case studies that will be shown to explain erasing the line between language and behaviour. The words of such campaigns that attract people’s attention and make them act in a certain way are examples of how slogans can influence the behaviour of the target audience positively. A study done to show the moderated elderly stereotype priming words showed that there was slowness in walking, meaning that words influence behaviour.

Perception of Reality Through Language

It can be seen that language has a huge impact on depicting humanitarian crises and other social problems in media. Misleading reporting regarding violence against women through headlines which use passive constructions can alter the perceivers’ attitudes. Replacing an accounting egocentric way of thinking and acting commencing with an ecocentric attitude is key to building a more gentle society.


Therefore, through consideration of theories surrounding language and its effect on mental processes and reality, the extent of its penetration into the human mind is appreciated. The Philosophy of Language highlights its role in our awareness of physical reality, as a tool that creates ideas about space and time and offers definitions of colours and numbers.

Thus, recognising the plurality of languages sharpens the knowledge of the human brain and the relationship between language and cognition. The intentional act of choice as it connects with language helps to co-create a better future, stressing the practical aspect of language as its key philosophy.