How often do we recall the major achievements in our lives and celebrate them? Do we spend enough time remembering the significant people and incidents that influenced our lives? Do we look back and cherish the contribution of our mentors?
In Mentor-Morphosis, Dr. Akash Khurana chronicles how his mentors shaped the early years of his life, and with that as reference, he generates a model of various mentoring stages and mentor types that may be applicable to everyone’s life. Readers are then guided to revisit their own mentoring history and recall certain learnings that could enrich their perspective on their journey into the future. By sharing experiences through a memoir, the author replicates the tradition of storytelling where emotionally compelling tales are handed down over generations. Based on his own experiences in Management, Academics, Media and the Performing Arts, Khurana believes that developing the passion to be creative embellishes the leader in you and is an eminent stairway to excellence, and in this casebook, he stimulates answers to the interestingly poised question: How do you find a mentor who can fuel that passion?
Biological passport Samples from athletes a major change in hormones can show that it's artificial. Any girl with naturally higher Hormones should be utilized effectively instead of overthinking that it is a malfunction disorder psychology Counselling. Laser treatments can reduce the common problems of weight gain and irregular periods are just normal and working can make life better. Should not consider this to be body shaming. Real-life mentors provide support & playing a great role in hyper androgenise, (Firestorms - the closest equation bacon of mutual trust and that gives comfort zone) Confidence to confine matters for athletes as challenges to people with higher skills & talents always attracts obstacles in the form of people raising doubts about your talents. If you want to feel good - work on your body as well as your mind actually because it is a life changer. I don't go by the rule book. Key points - Expand the term femininity – so that Pre-modern Indian women had an equal projection of that to men. Gender empowerment & gender Sensitisation in school & college is still required Gender sensitisation should start from One's home > and through mothers Let me be honest I am glad that there didn't exist a point of comparison between and letting anyone down genders. It was about Gender Sensitisation. Why I state this as far as the talks that I have come across on the changing role and aspirations of women is always about “why should boys have all the fun” It was a pleasure having you.
During this conversation, Dr Dr. Akash Khurana talks about the types of mentors in life. He also talks about the journey of the student as well as the mentor, in which with the mentee the mentor also evolves. During the conversation, he also gives an example of Sachin Tendulkar and his mentor and their journey together telling that sometimes a guide is a great mentor but not a great player himself. Also, he remembers his mentors from the film industry.