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Across genres

Samina Mishra is a filmmaker, writer and teacher who thinks children are wiser than grown-ups, and can always find a way around them. She loves cats and goats, narcissus and frangipani flowers, and endless cups of tea.

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Samina Mishra

Samina Mishra on “Nida Finds a Way” In Conversation With Shikha Khare

On 27th Nov 12.00 pm - 12.40 pm

“I used to read a lot and then try to write. I was interested in doing media, but professional writing began quite later. I made History in graduation. There was a college festival but not much storytelling program. The mass communication program was started at Jamia Islamia University in 90. Those years were very important. I met different people. They challenge me to think more. You need to figure out how you want to live and what education should do. I did many kinds of workshops for children to engage them with the world. They need to understand how the world works. My stories come from that interaction. Children lives are very fragile. That’s where my book “ Nida finds a way” came from. I feel it is very important that the story relates to children. We cannot shield children from what is happening in this world, but rather, we need to share our knowledge to face the challenges so that they can make sense of it themselves. Initially, I thought of writing a story about parent and children relationships. Sound allows us to create the narrative and connect us emotionally.”