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Children's fiction

Asha Nehemiah, writes books for children of all ages: picture books, chapter books, short stories and mystery novels. Her fiction is characterised by humour and a spirit of adventure. Apart from her signature wacky mysteries, she has also dealt with thought-provoking issues like the need to embrace diversity and to curb domestic violence.

It is her deep conviction that stories offer the best opportunities for everyone, especially children, to explore new ideas and cultures.

Asha writes in English and her books have been translated into several Indian languages including Hindi, Tamil, Marathi, Bengali, Assamese and Kannada.

Website: Facebook: Asha Nehemiah . Instagram asha_nehemiah

Asha Nehemiah

In conversation with Author Asha Nehemiah on Story Spotting: How to get ideas for Writing stories at OCLF 2021

On 28th Nov 10.00 pm - 10.40 pm

The Orange City Literature Festival was glad to host a session with Author Asha Nehemiah on Creative story writing and getting new ideas. Ms Nehemiah has written 20 fantasy, adventure, and humour books. She specializes in children stories and wishes that parents would indulge and support their children when they wish to read books they're interested in. Ms Nehemiah discussed her numerous stories and her journey of writing her books in the session. She gave some important tips on how to start writing a story, developing and deciding on characters, plots, themes, and other details of the stories. She quoted- When you start thinking about an idea, don't put breaks on your mind, just put it all down. She encouraged free-thinking and penning ideas down when one thinks of something as an idea thought is never an idea wasted. She discussed the action plan of writing and shared her stories with everyone at OCLF 2021!